Dental microscope and magnifying loupes offer a significant magnification of the area treated, even dozens of times, allowing taking full advantage of new surgical techniques. This allows us to make the most of precision tools, materials, or equipment used in the treatment process.
Modern and highly efficient endodontic treatment and appropriate teeth reconstruction are now more often performed using magnification. All that so the patients can enjoy their “new” teeth for a long time. It is a safe, less invasive, and less expensive solution than extraction, placing a crown on an implant or bridge restoration.
Using dental microscope or magnifying loupes allows the precision work to be performed on n a small area such as, e.g. 1mm².

Tooth - left bottom 4. Patient developed pain after root canal treatment. A decision was made to treat the tooth under a microscope. A second root canal was found and cleared. The pain was alleviated.

A patient with considerable dental treatment needs. On the right, some old fillings are visible. There is gum inflammation above them. On the left, teeth prior to treatment, the inflammation of the gingival margin. The patient had all fillings on four upper incisors placed again. We have achieved a significant improvement in the aesthetics of the upper incisors and the state of the gums above those teeth. The treatment is being continued.
The advantages of microscopic endodontics:
- Finding main and additional root canals along with their branches which, in traditional dentistry, are often not visible to the doctor, therefore they might not be treated and be the cause of failed treatment and possible complications.
- Removing fragments of broken endodontic instruments, crown-root inlays or other hard dental materials from the canal.
- Closing crown or root perforation.
- Clearing narrow or obliterated (closed) root canals.
- Effective treatment in cases of complex anatomy of root canal system.
- Treatment of internal root resorption.
- Microsurgical resection of root tops with retrograde obturation with specially developed material.
- An accurate diagnosis and initiation of appropriate treatment in cases of cracks and fractures in tooth tissue which are invisible to the naked eye.